On service with my pioneer, ms, boyfriend, together for the first time. I was quaking as I had not tried preaching with a brother before, and one I wanted to impress (shallow, I know!). Well I rang the bell and a glass door with wrought iron work over the top was opened. I had a huge smile on my face and said "HELLO!" The man who opened the door had lipstick on and had a look of fury on his face. He slammed the door shut and the glass shattered leaving us staring at him through the wrought iron railings. I looked at my boyfriend and he said what do we do? I said Run! The guy was spitting hate by then at us.
Not the best start to a doomed relationship...thank goodness.
I had a door where my pioneer partner, a shy prudish sister, suddenly froze and went red. I carried on talking to the lady and could not understand what was happening. When we left the door my friend was in a real tither. She said she felt unclean and had to go home. Apparently a naked man had been standing playing with himself at the top of the stairs, unaware that my friend could see right up the stairs. I was in stitches, I thought it was so funny. She was unmarried and said she had never seen a mans bits before. Funny.
One bad, yet sad experience when I was 12. We went on a bible study to an older ladies home. The place was so filthy and stinking that it was terrible to be there. The lady had a dog that peed on the carpet and nothing was cleaned up. When we came home we all were itching and had to put all our clothes in the washing machine. When I think back we should have got her some kind of help, we were not interested in her as such, just counting time.